var pixels : GameObject[,];
function Start()
// Populate pixels array in here, or when you create the grid if the pixels are
// created dynamically.
// Array should be initialized to new GameObject[GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT];
// For this approach, it can be helpful if you group your pixel GameObjects under
// empty GameObjects that match the structure of the array, as this will make it
// easier to populate.
// (Only really applies if you the pixels are not created dynamically.)
// Accepts two parameters, which provide the top and bottom of the generator at each
// point.
// (For example, a generator spanning between pixels 0 and 2 in width would be
// represented by new int[]{0, 2})
function CheckForClearPath(startPoint : int[], endPoint : int[])
// For tracking live pixels in last and current column
var prevColumn : boolean[] = new boolean[pixels[0].length];
var currColumn : boolean[] = new boolean[pixels[0].length];
// Iterating through each column of grid
var x : int = 0;
for (x = 0; x < pixels.length; x++)
// Special cases for first and last column
var isFirstColumn : boolean = (x == 0);
var isLastColumn : boolean = (x == pixels.length - 1);
// Iterating through each row of grid column, first to identify live pixels
// adjacent to previous column's live pixels
var y : int = 0;
for (y = 0; y < pixels[x].length; y++)
if (prevColumn[x]) {
currColumn[y] = (pixels[x][y].tag == "Live");
else {
currColumn[y] = false;
// Next, iterating through each row of grid column, to identify live pixels
// adjacent to current column's live pixels
// This is done by checking whether current pixel is live, then checking whether
// next pixel has live tag
for (y = 0; y < pixels[x].length - 1; y++)
if (currColumn[y]){
currColumn[y + 1] = (pixels[x][y].tag == "Live");
// Check if any pixels are recorded as alive in column - if not, it means that no
// live pixels were adjacent to last columns live pixels, and path is broken.
if (AreAllPixelsDead(currColumn)) {
return false;
// If first column, check if pixels next to start point are live.
if (isFirstColumn) {
if (!DoesPathMeetPoint(startPoint, currColumn)) {
return false;
// If last column, check if pixels next to end point are live.
if (isLastColumn) {
if (!DoesPathMeetPoint(endPoint, currColumn)) {
return false;
// Saving current column results in last column results
for (x = 0; x < pixels.length; x++)
prevColumn[x] = currColumn[x];
// If all goes well, path is valid
return true;
function InitializeArray(arrayRef : boolean[]) {
for (var i : int = 0; i < arrayRef.length; i++)
arrayRef[i] = true;
function AreAllPixelsDead(arrayRef : boolean[]) {
for (var i : int = 0; i < arrayRef.length; i++)
if (arrayRef[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function DoesPathMeetPoint(point : int[], columnPixels : boolean[]) {
for (var i : int = 0; i < columnPixels.length; i++)
if (columnPixels[i] && i >= point[0] && i <= point[1]) {
return true;
return false;