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  • karl nickel  · 技术社区  · 12 年前

    我正在尝试编写一个函数,将TextFormats应用于它们所属的TextFields。 问题是,我无法将其转化为正确的“形式”(如果有合适的形式的话)。


    function applyFormat(TextFild:String,Format:String,EmbFont:String,NameInJson:String){
    //myData=json object
    //all textfields etc. already exist. Just anyone wants to ask if they've been already generated.
    //at first i thought it could be as easy as this
    this[Format].font=myData.NameInJson.Font //doesn't work obviously
    //then I tried this method
    this[Format].font=myData.this[NameInJson].Font //doesn't work either
    //couldn't find a real solution for this on the internet...    
    //how it should turn out in the end: myTextFormat.font=myData.TextStuff.Font


    "Size" : "16",
    "Bold" : "true",
    "Color" : "0xFFFFFF"

    我需要更改我的Json文件吗? 我是否忽略了处理此类变量/值的方法?

    1 回复  |  直到 12 年前
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  •   Barış Uşaklı    12 年前

    this[Format] 将在名为Format的类上查找属性。AFAIK类必须是动态的才能工作。

    如果你保持 TextFormat 该类中对象中的实例将更易于管理:

    // this is a property in the class
    private var _textFormats:Object = {};
    // create and store text formats in the object
    var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    _textFormats["myTextFormat"] = textFormat;


        "Size" : "16",
        "Bold" : "true",
        "Color" : "0xFFFFFF"

    以下内容应适用于此调用 applyFormat("myTextField","myTextFormat","myFont","TextStuff")

    function applyFormat(TextField:String, Format:String, EmbFont:String, NameInJson:String):void
        var myData:Object = JSON.parse(theJSonString);
        _textFormats[Format].font = myData[NameInJson].Font;