mysql\u real\u escape\u string\u引号
Function mysql_real_escape_string_quote(toStr() As Byte, fromStr() As Byte, length As Long, quote As String) As Long
mysql_real_escape_string_quote = 0
Dim CharMap() As Byte: CharMap = StrConv(String(256, 0), vbFromUnicode)
CharMap(0) = Asc("0"): CharMap(39) = Asc("'"): CharMap(34) = Asc(""""): CharMap(8) = Asc("b"): CharMap(10) = Asc("n"): CharMap(13) = Asc("r"):
CharMap(9) = Asc("t"): CharMap(26) = Asc("z"): CharMap(92) = Asc("\"): CharMap(37) = Asc("%"): CharMap(95) = Asc("_"):
Dim i As Long: Dim n As Long: n = 0
If length > UBound(fromStr) + 1 Then Exit Function
For i = 0 To length - 1 '---count escapable chars before redim---
n = n + 1
If CharMap(fromStr(i)) <> 0 Then n = n + 1
Next i
ReDim toStr(n - 1) As Byte
n = 0
For i = 0 To length - 1 '---test chars---
If CharMap(fromStr(i)) = 0 Then
toStr(n) = fromStr(i)
Else '---escape char---
toStr(n) = Asc(quote): n = n + 1
toStr(n) = CharMap(fromStr(i))
End If
n = n + 1
Next i
mysql_real_escape_string_quote = n
End Function
Function mysql_real_escape_string(InputString As String) As String
mysql_real_escape_string = ""
Dim toStr() As Byte: Dim fromStr() As Byte
fromStr = StrToChar(InputString)
If mysql_real_escape_string_quote(toStr, fromStr, UBound(fromStr) + 1, "\") = 0 Then Exit Function
mysql_real_escape_string = StrConv(toStr(), vbUnicode)
End Function
Function StrToChar(str As String) As Byte()
Dim ans() As Byte
ans = StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode)
ReDim Preserve ans(Len(str)) As Byte
ans(Len(str)) = 0
StrToChar = ans
End Function
Sub testit()
Dim toStr() As Byte: Dim fromStr() As Byte
fromStr = StrToChar("hello world's")
MsgBox (mysql_real_escape_string_quote(toStr, fromStr, UBound(fromStr) + 1, "\"))
MsgBox (mysql_real_escape_string("hello world's"))
For i = 0 To UBound(toStr)
Debug.Print i & " " & toStr(i)
Next i
End Sub