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  • Don Wakefield  · 技术社区  · 15 年前


    "  AString "   // leading and trailing spaces together allowed
    "AString "     // trailing spaces allowed
    "  AString"    // leading spaces allowed
    "newString03"  // numeric chars allowed
    "!stringBIG?"  // non-alphanumeric chars allowed
    "R"            // Single UC is a match


    "A String" // not a match because it contains an embedded space
    "Foo bar baz" // does not match due to multiple whitespace interruptions
    "a_string" // not a match because there are no UC chars

    我仍然想匹配包含 二者都 模式:

    "ABigString", "a sentence fragment" // need to catch so I find the first case...

    我想使用perl regexps,最好由 ack 命令行工具。显然, \w \ W 不会工作的。似乎 \ S 应与非空格字符匹配。我似乎不知道如何嵌入“每个字符串至少一个大写字符”的要求…

    ack --match '\"\s*\S+\s*\"'

    是我最近得到的。我需要更换 s+ 具有 某物 它捕获“至少一个大写(ASCII)字符(在非空白字符串的任何位置)”要求。


    2 回复  |  直到 15 年前
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  •   Community THelper    7 年前


      "      # leading single quote
      (?!    # filter out strings with internal spaces
         [^"]*   # zero or more non-quotes
         [^"\s]  # neither a quote nor whitespace
         \s+     # internal whitespace
         [^"\s]  # another non-quote, non-whitespace character
      [^"]*  # zero or more non-quote characters
      [A-Z]  # at least one uppercase letter
      [^"]*  # followed by zero or more non-quotes
      "      # and finally the trailing quote

    使用使用上述模式的测试程序 /x 因此,没有空格和注释作为输入 ack-grep (AS) ack 在Ubuntu上调用)

    #! /usr/bin/perl
    my @tests = (
      [ q<"  AString ">   => 1 ],
      [ q<"AString ">     => 1 ],
      [ q<"  AString">    => 1 ],
      [ q<"newString03">  => 1 ],
      [ q<"!stringBIG?">  => 1 ],
      [ q<"R">            => 1 ],
      [ q<"A String">     => 0 ],
      [ q<"a_string">     => 0 ],
      [ q<"ABigString", "a sentence fragment"> => 1 ],
      [ q<"  a String  "> => 0 ],
      [ q<"Foo bar baz">  => 0 ],
    my $pattern = qr/"(?![^"]*[^"\s]\s+[^"\s])[^"]*[A-Z][^"]*"/;
    for (@tests) {
      my($str,$expectMatch) = @$_;
      my $matched = $str =~ /$pattern/;
      print +($matched xor $expectMatch) ? "FAIL" : "PASS",
            ": $str\n";


    $ ack-grep '"(?![^"]*[^"\s]\s+[^"\s])[^"]*[A-Z][^"]*"' try
      [ q<"  AString ">   => 1 ],
      [ q<"AString ">     => 1 ],
      [ q<"  AString">    => 1 ],
      [ q<"newString03">  => 1 ],
      [ q<"!stringBIG?">  => 1 ],
      [ q<"R">            => 1 ],
      [ q<"ABigString", "a sentence fragment"> => 1 ],
    my $pattern = qr/"(?![^"]*[^"\s]\s+[^"\s])[^"]*[A-Z][^"]*"/;
      print +($matched xor $expectMatch) ? "FAIL" : "PASS",


    % ack-grep '"(?\![^"]*[^"\s]\s+[^"\s])[^"]*[A-Z][^"]*"' ...

    我希望我能保留突出显示的匹配项,但这似乎不是 allowed .

    注意转义双引号( \" )会严重混淆这种模式。

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  •   Andomar    15 年前


    ack --match "\"\s*\S+[A-Z]\S+\s*\""

    我想是的 ack 一次匹配一行。这个 \S+\s*\" 部件可以匹配一行中的多个右引号。它将与 "alfa"" 而不是仅仅 "alfa" .