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  • Robus  · 技术社区  · 4 年前


       @Query("SELECT new so.dto.CustomerWithTotal(s, sum(sb.amount)) from Customer s LEFT join fetch Bills sb ON sb.customer.sq=s.sq and sb.periodFrom <= ?3 and sb.periodTo >= ?2 WHERE s.department.sq=?1 group by s")
       List<CustomerWithTotal> findCustWithOrderTotal(Long departmentId, LocalDate from, LocalDate to);

       public CustomerWithBillTotal(CustomerEo customer, BigDecimal amount) {
          this.customer= customer;
          this.amount = (amount != null) ? amount : BigDecimal.ZERO;


    Hibernate: select customer.id as col_0_0_, sum(bill.amount) as col_1_0_ from customers...
    Hibernate: select customer.id as cpx1_19_0_, customer.jpa_version as jpa_vers2_19_0_, ...
    Hibernate: select customer.id as cpx1_19_0_, customer.jpa_version as jpa_vers2_19_0_, ...

    Hibernate只在第一次查询中获取id,然后分别请求每个客户,从而产生N+1个查询。我怎样才能让Hibernate急切地去拿呢 customer 在第一个问题中?最好不要列出所有 顾客 田野 CustomerWithBillTotal ?

    0 回复  |  直到 4 年前
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  •   Christian Beikov    4 年前


    你可能还喜欢什么 Blaze-Persistence Entity Views 必须提供。


    在Blaze Persistence实体视图中,用例的DTO模型可能如下所示:

    public interface CustomerWithBillTotal {
        Integer getId();
        String getCustomerName();
        // Other customer mappings you need...
        // Assuming you have a one-to-many association named "bills" in Customer
        @Mapping("COALESCE(SUM(bills.amount), 0)")
        // You can also use this if you don't have that association
        // @Mapping("COALESCE(SUM(Bills[customer.sq = VIEW(sq) AND periodFrom <= :periodFrom and periodTo >= :periodTo].amount), 0)")
        BigDecimal getAmount();


    CustomerWithBillTotal a = entityViewManager.find(entityManager, CustomerWithBillTotal.class, id);

    Spring数据集成让您可以像使用Spring数据投影一样使用它: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features

       List<CustomerWithTotal> findByDepartmentId(Long departmentId, @OptionalParam("periodFrom") LocalDate from, @OptionalParam("periodTo") LocalDate to);