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PHP API返回JSON并将自身打印到DOM结构中

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  • ii iml0sto1  · 技术社区  · 6 年前

    我试图从Bittrex的rest API中检索响应,我得到了一个结果,但出于某种原因,它会在我收到响应后立即打印、回显或将其自身写入dom结构,即使我只是调用并将其保存在变量中?

    class Bittrex
        private $m_baseUrl;
        private $m_apiVersion = 'v1.1';
        private $m_apiKey;
        private $m_apiSecret;
        public function __construct ($p_apiKey, $p_apiSecret)
            $this->m_apiKey = $p_apiKey;
            $this->m_apiSecret = $p_apiSecret;
            $this->m_baseUrl = 'https://bittrex.com/api/'.$this->m_apiVersion;
        private function Call($p_function, $p_parameters = array(), $p_usingApiKey = false)
            $l_uri = $this->m_baseUrl.$p_function;
                $p_parameters['apikey'] = $this->m_apiKey;
                $p_parameters['nonce'] = time();
            if (!empty($p_parameters))
                $l_uri .= '?'.http_build_query($p_parameters);
            $l_curl = curl_init($l_uri);
                curl_setopt($l_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('apisign:'.hash_hmac('sha512', $l_uri, $this->m_apiSecret)));
            $l_curlResult = curl_exec($l_curl);
            return json_decode($l_curlResult);
            Used to get the open and available trading markets at Bittrex along with other meta data.
        public function GetMarkets()
            return $this->Call('/public/getmarkets');
            Used to get all supported currencies at Bittrex along with other meta data.
        public function GetCurrencies()
            return $this->Call('/public/getcurrencies');
            Used to get the current tick values for a market.
        public function GetTicker($p_market)
            return $this->Call('/public/getticker', array('market' => $p_market));
            Used to get the last 24 hour summary of all active exchanges.
        public function GetMarketSummaries()
            return $this->Call('/public/getmarketsummaries');
            Used to get the last 24 hour summary for specific active exchanges.
        public function GetMarketSummary($p_market)
            return $this->Call('/public/getmarketsummary', array('market' => $p_market));
            Used to get retrieve the orderbook for a given market.
        public function GetOrderBook($p_market, $p_type)
            return $this->Call('/public/getorderbook', array('market' => $p_market, 'type' => $p_type));
            Used to retrieve the latest trades that have occured for a specific market.
        public function GetMarketHistory($p_market)
            return $this->Call('/public/getmarkethistory', array('market' => $p_market));
            Used to place a buy order in a specific market.
            Make sure you have the proper permissions set on your API keys for this call to work.
        public function BuyLimit($p_market, $p_quantity, $p_rate)
            return $this->Call('/market/buylimit', array('market' => $p_market, 'quantity' => $p_quantity, 'rate' => $p_rate), true);
            Used to place an sell order in a specific market.
            Make sure you have the proper permissions set on your API keys for this call to work.
        public function SellLimit($p_market, $p_quantity, $p_rate)
            return $this->Call('/market/selllimit', array('market' => $p_market, 'quantity' => $p_quantity, 'rate' => $p_rate), true);
            Used to cancel a buy or sell order.
        public function Cancel($p_uuid)
            return $this->Call('/market/cancel', array('uuid' => $p_uuid), true);
            Get all orders that you currently have opened.
            A specific market can be requested.
        public function GetOpenOrders($p_market = null)
            return $this->Call('/market/getopenorders', array('market' => $p_market), true);
            Used to retrieve all balances from your account.
        public function GetBalances()
            return $this->Call('/account/getbalances', array(), true);
            Used to retrieve the balance from your account for a specific currency.
        public function GetBalance($p_currency)
            return $this->Call('/account/getbalance', array('currency' => $p_currency), true);
            Used to retrieve or generate an address for a specific currency.
            If one does not exist, the call will fail and return ADDRESS_GENERATING until one is available.
        public function GetDepositAddress($p_currency)
            return $this->Call('/account/getdepositaddress', array('currency' => $p_currency), true);
            Used to withdraw funds from your account.
            note: please account for txfee.
        public function Withdraw($p_currency, $p_quantity, $p_address, $p_paymentId = null)
            $l_parameters = array(
                'currency' => $p_currency,
                'quantity' => $p_quantity,
                'address' => $p_address
                $l_parameters['paymentid'] = $p_paymentId;
            return $this->Call('/account/withdraw', $l_parameters, true);
            Used to retrieve a single order by uuid.
        public function GetOrder($p_uuid)
            return $this->Call('/account/getorder', array('uuid' => $p_uuid), true);
            Used to retrieve your order history.
        public function GetOrderHistory($p_market = null)
            $l_parameters = array();
                $l_parameters['market'] = $p_market;
            return $this->Call('/account/getorderhistory', $l_parameters, true);
            Used to retrieve your withdrawal history.
        public function GetWithdrawalHistory($p_currency = null)
            $l_parameters = array();
                $l_parameters['currency'] = $p_currency;
            return $this->Call('/account/getwithdrawalhistory', $l_parameters, true);
            Used to retrieve your deposit history.
        public function GetDepositHistory($p_currency = null)
            $l_parameters = array();
                $l_parameters['currency'] = $p_currency;
            return $this->Call('/account/getdeposithistory', $l_parameters, true);


    $public = "My public key";
    $private = "My private key";
    require_once 'classes/bittrex.php';
    $request = new Bittrex($public, $private);
    $markets = $request->GetMarkets();


    enter image description here



    $public = "My public key";
    $private = "My private key";
    require_once 'classes/bittrex.php';
    $request = new Bittrex($public, $private);
    $markets = $request->GetMarkets();
    $data = json_decode($markets, true);


    1 回复  |  直到 6 年前
  •  2
  •   Community Dai    4 年前
    curl_setopt($l_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);



    TRUE以将传输作为curl\u exec()返回值的字符串返回,而不是直接输出。