(The corresponding normals and vertex colours are straightforwardly accessible. UVs require a little more effort -- I don't remember the details (all my Maya code is with my ex employer) but whilst at first glance it may seem like you don't have the data, in fact it's all there, just not conveniently.)
This is a bit hacky, but you're guaranteed to get the exact triangulation Maya is using. Rather easier than writing your own triangulation code, and almost certainly a LOT easier than trying to work out whatever Maya does internally... |
Jonathan Shewchuk has a very popular 2D triangulation tool called Triangle, and a 3D version should appear soon. He also has a number of papers on this topic that might be of use. |
你可以试试看 Voronoi and Delaunay Techniques by Henrik Zimmer. I don't know if it's what Maya uses, but the paper describes some common techniques. |
Here you can find an applet that demonstrates the Incremental, Gift Wrap, Divide and Conquer and QuickHull algorithms computing the Delaunay triangulation in 3D. Pointers to each algorithm are provided. |
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